Kinetico are excited to announce that we are the UK and Ireland distributor for Aerus ActivePure Air and Surface purifiers.
As we celebrate our 50th anniversary offering industry leading water softeners and filtration systems to homes and businesses, Kinetico is now launching a solutions to help protect your family, home and workplace from air and surface pollutants.
Just like water, the air that we breath is critical to good health. Air pollution kills around 7 million people worldwide each year and is the single biggest environmental health risk*. Internal air quality is affected by invisible toxins emanating from furniture, paint and cleaning products.
2020 has been a difficult year. We have had to change our daily routines, constantly washing and sanitising our hands, wearing face coverings and social distancing. As we move towards the new normal, with businesses opening and meeting small groups of people indoors, keeping air and surfaces free of viruses and bacteria is essential.
ActivePure is very different from other technologies that take a passive approach and require that the pathogen be pulled into an inefficient filter, UV light, or plain PCO mechanism. ActivePure does not wait to see if by luck the pathogen is captured. It seeks and destroys them quickly, wherever they may be, in the air you breathe or on the surfaces you touch. ActivePure can deliver measurable and guaranteed results, giving you the peace of mind to know that you are providing the best protection for the people you care for.
ActivePure technology is used in hospitals, statehouses, and other shared facilities across the world and is proven by science and validated by multiple third parties. It is even cleared by the FDA in our medical product as a Class II Medical Device.
Interested? Visit www.activepure.uk.com or call 0800 9774 423 we will be happy to answer any questions.
*According to the World Health Organisation