Tips For Looking After Your Skin This Winter

As the nights draw in and the temperatures drop, it is time to start preparing your skincare routine to ensure your skin stays fresh and vibrant even when the weather isn't. Let's dive into some of the best skincare secrets for preventing dull winter skin. 

Check Your Water Hardness

A factor that can seriously impact the dryness of your skin is the quality of your household water. If you live in a hard water area, which 60% of the UK does, then looking into treating your hard water can significantly help to reduce skin dryness. 

If you think hard water might be the root of your dry skin problems, check out our hard water postcode checker and discover if your area has hard water.

Why Does Hard Water Cause Dry Skin?

Hard water contains an overload of calcium and magnesium minerals; the presence of these in the water causes difficulty when washing the soap off the skin. The skin is then dried out by the remaining soap scum left on the skin's surface and minimises any moisture left. For more information on hard water and its effects, you can check out our page on the home, health and financial benefits of installing a water softener. 

How To Alleviate Dry Skin With A Water Softener 

At Kinetico, we have had the pleasure of hearing countless testimonials from our customers about the relief they have felt after installing one of our water softener systems. Individuals who have suffered from chronic eczema their entire lives have found drastic improvements in their skin. Don't just take our word for it, though; take a look at why Kinetico is the best water softener for eczema and watch accounts of previous customers' experiences.

For more information regarding the installation of a water softener in your household, you can contact Kinetico today, and we can set up a consultation visit. 

Moisture. Moisture. Moisture

One of our skin's main problems when we head into wintertime is dryness; even people with oily skin types can suffer dry patches. Air can hold moisture, it can often feel very humid in the summer months, and there is simply less moisture overall in the winter months. 

Skin Care For Dry Skin In Winter 

Dry skin can be irritating and uncomfortable, so it is best to increase the level of moisture you give to your skin in winter. You can do this first by using a combination of a richer moisturiser and an additional moisturising serum. You should also be using a daily SPF as well, as not only does it protect your skin from UV damage, but it acts as a final way to lock in all the nourishing products applied before it. 

It may take some time to find a routine that best works for your skin, as different products and combinations of products work differently for each individual. 

If you have any sensitivities or concerns regarding excessive dryness of your skin, such as eczema or psoriasis, consult your doctor or registered dermatologist for proper treatment.

Avoid Fragranced Drying Soaps And Detergents 

Many soaps and body washes can be harsh on the skin and strip away our skin's natural oils. It's best to avoid soaps that contain ingredients such as:

  • Sodium chloride
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Salicylic acid 
  • Sulphates, such as Sodium lauryl sulphate
  • Added Fragrance 
  • Synthetic Dyes 

So what should you look for in a soap that nourishes and replenishes your dry winter skin? Look for soaps and body washes that are formulated with natural ingredients, such as:

  • Natural oils, such as; olive oil, jojoba oil, and coconut oil. 
  • Lanolin- Please note this is not vegan as it is derived from the oil secreted from sheepskin. 
  • Glycerin 
  • Beeswax 

Increase The Humidity Of The Home 

If you spend considerable time indoors, which many of us do, the dry environment will give your skin no favours. By investing in a humidifier, you can up the moisture level in the air, and further protect your skin against dryness. There are whole-room ones for your home and little desktop humidifiers for anyone who works in an office, which can be purchased reasonably cheaply. 

Up Your Intake Of Water 

Lastly, consuming enough water is a vital part of maintaining healthy-looking skin, and with enough hydration, our skin can be left youthful and glowing. When the temperature plummets, it is not uncommon for your liquid intake to lessen. We aren't as hot and sweaty, and we can easily forget to drink our daily recommended water intake, which is 2.7 litres for women and 3.7 litres for men.